alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5250883940842728402" />
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
19 Row 1:
Billy Gunn ("Come Get Some" shirt) BCA
Honky Tonk Man BCA
Brian Pillman (STOMP) BCA
Steve Blackman (with sticks) BCA
Sable BCA
Hollywood Hogan
Eric Bischoff (wcw)
Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Eddie Guerrero (with random hat lol) TTL
Gangrel BCA (awesome!!)
Patriot BCA
Lance Storm TTL
Kurt Angle (w/ hair! 2 medals and 2 pairs pants) TTL
Saturn TTL
Ric Flair (suite) TTL
Booker T (short braids) TTL
20 Row 2:
Rikishi (glasses and blue shirt)
Undertaker (signature series, blue tattoos, black and red druid jacket) BCA
Referee BCA
Truth Commission BCA
Bubba Ray Dudley TTL
D-Von Dudley TTL
Goldust BCA
Crash Holly TTL
Val Venis (RTC) BCA
Val Venis (pink and purple) BCA
The Rock (Corporation Signature Series) BCA
Christian TTL
Ken Shamrock (blue) BCA
Albert TTL
Undertaker TTL (AWESOME! with cape and chest plate)
Hardcore Holly BCA
Shawn Michaels (with vest)
Vince McMahon TTL
Scott Hall (NWO white)
21 Row 3:
Paul Whyte (Big Show) BCA
HHH (green and black) BCA
Sgt Slaughter BCA
Edge (grey and pink) BCA
Kurrgan (black) BCA
Vince McMahon (referee)
Matt Hardy (purple shirt) TTL
Stephanie McMahon (purple) TTL
Hakushi (custom) TTL
Vince McMahon (1st ever, announcer) BCA
Stone Cold (signature series, blue skull, hat) BCA
Owen Hart (Danger attire) BCA
Diamond Dallas Page (blue vest)
Jim Ross (blue shirt)
Molly Holly (blue)
Vince McMahon (wrestling attire, cool!) BCA
Mankind (removeable mask) BCA
Chuck [Palumbo]
Kane (black attire and mask, loved this when it came out!) TTL
Steven Regal (reddish attire) TTL
Jerry Lawler (blue)
20 Row 4:
Stone Cold (1st signature series "Austin 3:16" shirt) BCA
Jim Cornett BCA
Owen Hart (STOMP) BCA
Undertaker (ministry) BCA
Bradshaw (Acolytes attire) TTL
Undertaker (STOMP! includes skull battle axe! very cool) BCA
Crush (NOD attire and braids. *right arm comes off sorry!) BCA
Billy Gunn (gray and pink DX era) BCA
Stone Cold ("Cuz Stone Cold Said So" on back, black) BCA
Yokozuna (RIP!) BCA
Al Snow (JOB Squad, white shirt) BCA
British Bulldog BCA
Ultimate Warrior (1st or 2nd series) BCA
HHH (Corporation tights, gray) BCA
Big Show TTL
Hulk Hogan (from "Hulk Still Rules" set, old school Hulkamania)
Hulk Hogan (from "Hulk Still Rules" set, present red and yellow)
Hulk Hogan (from "Hulk Still Rules" set, NWO with boa! sweet!)
Berlyn (custom lol, 1st Stone Cold "Ringmaster" with stars on boots) BCA
Jeff Hardy (purple shirt) TTL
21 Row 5:
Kama Mustafa BCA
Stone Cold ("Blood Stone" shirt) BCA
The Rock BCA
Jim Ross ("War Tony" says on shirt lol) BCA
The Jackal BCA
Shane McMahon ("X-Punk" removeable shirt) BCA
Marc Mero (Wildman gimmick, black) BCA
The Rock (STOMP) BCA
Undertaker (with cape) BCA
Owen Hart (King of Harts gimmick) BCA
Rikishi (blue)
Kurrgan (Truth Commission) BCA
Big Bossman (Corporation/"Pepper" gimmick (lol), with removeable ski mask and glasses) BCA
Test TTL
Shane McMahon (Shane-O-Mac shirt) TTL
Test (silver)
Steven Richards (RTC gimmick) TTL
Billy Gunn (pink) TTL
Raven (no skirt) TTL
Diamond Dallas Page (black vest)
The Hurricane (with cape) TTL
21 Row 6:
Terri Runnels ("Marlena" - Goldust's wife) BCA
Jeff Jarrett ("Dont Piss Me Off" gimmick) BCA
Bob Backland BCA
Bradshaw ("Black Jacks" gimmick) BCA
Kane (black attire and mask) TTL
The Executioner (RARE!!!!! with scythe!!) BCA
Ken Shamrock (Lion's Den shirt, Signature Series) BCA
Stone Cold ("Bionic" vest) TTL
Shawn Michaels (Series 1) BCA
Road Dogg (DX, white attire) BCA
Christian (The Brood attire) BCA
Road Dogg (DX, black attire) BCA
Edge (purple) TTL
Chris Jericho ("Shut the Heck Up!" shirt) TTL
Marc Mero (boxer red attire) BCA
Kevin Nash (NWO)
The Rock
Christian (white and red attire)
18 Row 7:
Ken Shamrock (original, red and yellow) BCA
Phinneas Godwin BCA
Earl Hebner TTL
Jeff Jarrett ("With My Baby Tonight!!" purple, hat, no glasses sorry!) BCA
Viscera BCA
Bob Holly (JOB Squad) BCA
Ahmed Johnson (STOMP) BCA
Justin "The Hawk" Bradshaw (cowbell rope and hat) BCA
Rocky Miavia BCA
Trasher (Headbangers, no skirt) BCA
Henry Godwin BCA
X-Pac (DX) BCA
Dan Sevren BCA
Dr. Death (Destruction Inc. shirt from Undertaker lol dont ask) BCA
Justin Credible TTL
Scott Hall (NWO Red!)
Taka Michinoku BCA
15 Row 8:
Vader BCA
X-Pac (DX, Street attire) BCA
HHH (blue) BCA
HHH (shiny blue!) BCA
Mankind TTL
Kevin Nash (NWO, has no hands.. no idea why!)
Mark Henry (blue) BCA
Brian Christopher (neon green) BCA
Stone Cold BCA
Undertaker BCA
Chyna (original) BCA
Road Dogg (DX) TTL
Billy Kidman (purple) TTL
Matt Hardy (black net shirt)
14 Row 9:
Scotty 2 Hottie (with hat and glasses) TTL
Vader BCA
Al Snow (blue pants, last gimmick, WITH HEAD!) BCA
Mark Henry (Nation of Domination) BCA
Shane McMahon (X-Punk) TTL
Stone Cold (with knee braces) BCA
HHH (1st "english" gimmick) BCA
Road Dogg ("Oh you didn't know?" shirt) BCA
Clarence Mason BCA
Mankind (Guest Referee) BCA
Shawn Michaels (Commissioner/Street attire) BCA
Stone Cold BCA
Road Dogg TTL
Camera Man (RARE!!!! with cameras and hat!) BCA
13 Row 10:
Skull (DOA) BCA
Kurrgan (Oddities w/ shirt) BCA
Steve Blackman BCA
Chyna TTL
Undertaker (no eyeballs, blue tats!) BCA
Stone Cold (Hunting attire and hat) BCA
HHH (shiny green) BCA
Dan Sevren BCA
Macho Man (pictured, but NOT included. sorry! he was wcw. I had him in the wrong set)
Hawk (LOD 2000, shoulder pads, no helmet sorry!) BCA
Kane (original!) BCA
Edge TTL
Christian (Brood) TTL
Kane (enlarged and with removeable mask)
12 Row 11:
The Sultan BCA
Tajiri TTL
Billy Gunn (green) BCA
HHH (1st "english" gimmick) BCA
Skull (DOA, all black) BCA
Chainz (DOA) BCA
Ahmed Johnson (red) BCA
Shane McMahon (suite) BCA
Chris Benoit (red and black) TTL
Test (purple shorts) BCA
Stone Cold BCA
Chyna (enlarged, DX Camo)
14 Row 12:
Droz (no ponytail, its on "Berlyn" lol) BCA
Skull (DOA, why did I have so many!!) BCA
The Rock (Corporation suite) BCA
Shawn Michaels (red and white) BCA
Marc Mero (red "Wildman" gimmick) BCA
Mankind (1st "derranged" gimmick) BCA
Gangrel (with bloody chalice) TTL
Raven (shirt and skirt) TTL
Stone Cold (football jersey, Signature series) BCA
Jerry Lawler (with crown, red attire) BCA
Lita TTL
Test TTL
Savio Vega BCA
Undertaker BCA
13 Row 13:
Blackjack (not Bradshaw, I dont remember this one's name) BCA
Bret Hart BCA
Stone Cold TTL
X-Pax (blue) TTL
Stone Cold (STOMP with beret) BCA
Animal (LOD 2000 with shoulder pads and helmet!) BCA
Val Venis BCA
Animal (shoulder pads, red signature series) BCA
Ken Shamrock (STOMP) BCA
Stone COld (hunting attire again) BCA
The Rock (Corporate wrestling shirt and sweats) BCA
Sunny BCA
X-Pac (solo red attire) BCA
11 Row 14:
Chris Jericho (ugliest figure ever, silver shirt) TTL
The Godfather (vest, cane, no hat though!) BCA
Shawn Michaels (Commissioner brown suite) BCA
D-Lo Brown (blue, after NOD) BCA
Paul Bearer (with Urn!) BCA
Hawk (shoulder pads, red, signature series) BCA
HHH (shiny purple!) BCA
D-Lo Brown (Nation of Domination) BCA
Rocky Miavia (1st "The Rock" figure) BCA
Undertaker (Biker gimmick) TTL
19 Row 1:
Billy Gunn ("Come Get Some" shirt) BCA
Honky Tonk Man BCA
Brian Pillman (STOMP) BCA
Steve Blackman (with sticks) BCA
Sable BCA
Hollywood Hogan
Eric Bischoff (wcw)
Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Eddie Guerrero (with random hat lol) TTL
Gangrel BCA (awesome!!)
Patriot BCA
Lance Storm TTL
Kurt Angle (w/ hair! 2 medals and 2 pairs pants) TTL
Saturn TTL
Ric Flair (suite) TTL
Booker T (short braids) TTL
20 Row 2:
Rikishi (glasses and blue shirt)
Undertaker (signature series, blue tattoos, black and red druid jacket) BCA
Referee BCA
Truth Commission BCA
Bubba Ray Dudley TTL
D-Von Dudley TTL
Goldust BCA
Crash Holly TTL
Val Venis (RTC) BCA
Val Venis (pink and purple) BCA
The Rock (Corporation Signature Series) BCA
Christian TTL
Ken Shamrock (blue) BCA
Albert TTL
Undertaker TTL (AWESOME! with cape and chest plate)
Hardcore Holly BCA
Shawn Michaels (with vest)
Vince McMahon TTL
Scott Hall (NWO white)
21 Row 3:
Paul Whyte (Big Show) BCA
HHH (green and black) BCA
Sgt Slaughter BCA
Edge (grey and pink) BCA
Kurrgan (black) BCA
Vince McMahon (referee)
Matt Hardy (purple shirt) TTL
Stephanie McMahon (purple) TTL
Hakushi (custom) TTL
Vince McMahon (1st ever, announcer) BCA
Stone Cold (signature series, blue skull, hat) BCA
Owen Hart (Danger attire) BCA
Diamond Dallas Page (blue vest)
Jim Ross (blue shirt)
Molly Holly (blue)
Vince McMahon (wrestling attire, cool!) BCA
Mankind (removeable mask) BCA
Chuck [Palumbo]
Kane (black attire and mask, loved this when it came out!) TTL
Steven Regal (reddish attire) TTL
Jerry Lawler (blue)
20 Row 4:
Stone Cold (1st signature series "Austin 3:16" shirt) BCA
Jim Cornett BCA
Owen Hart (STOMP) BCA
Undertaker (ministry) BCA
Bradshaw (Acolytes attire) TTL
Undertaker (STOMP! includes skull battle axe! very cool) BCA
Crush (NOD attire and braids. *right arm comes off sorry!) BCA
Billy Gunn (gray and pink DX era) BCA
Stone Cold ("Cuz Stone Cold Said So" on back, black) BCA
Yokozuna (RIP!) BCA
Al Snow (JOB Squad, white shirt) BCA
British Bulldog BCA
Ultimate Warrior (1st or 2nd series) BCA
HHH (Corporation tights, gray) BCA
Big Show TTL
Hulk Hogan (from "Hulk Still Rules" set, old school Hulkamania)
Hulk Hogan (from "Hulk Still Rules" set, present red and yellow)
Hulk Hogan (from "Hulk Still Rules" set, NWO with boa! sweet!)
Berlyn (custom lol, 1st Stone Cold "Ringmaster" with stars on boots) BCA
Jeff Hardy (purple shirt) TTL
21 Row 5:
Kama Mustafa BCA
Stone Cold ("Blood Stone" shirt) BCA
The Rock BCA
Jim Ross ("War Tony" says on shirt lol) BCA
The Jackal BCA
Shane McMahon ("X-Punk" removeable shirt) BCA
Marc Mero (Wildman gimmick, black) BCA
The Rock (STOMP) BCA
Undertaker (with cape) BCA
Owen Hart (King of Harts gimmick) BCA
Rikishi (blue)
Kurrgan (Truth Commission) BCA
Big Bossman (Corporation/"Pepper" gimmick (lol), with removeable ski mask and glasses) BCA
Test TTL
Shane McMahon (Shane-O-Mac shirt) TTL
Test (silver)
Steven Richards (RTC gimmick) TTL
Billy Gunn (pink) TTL
Raven (no skirt) TTL
Diamond Dallas Page (black vest)
The Hurricane (with cape) TTL
21 Row 6:
Terri Runnels ("Marlena" - Goldust's wife) BCA
Jeff Jarrett ("Dont Piss Me Off" gimmick) BCA
Bob Backland BCA
Bradshaw ("Black Jacks" gimmick) BCA
Kane (black attire and mask) TTL
The Executioner (RARE!!!!! with scythe!!) BCA
Ken Shamrock (Lion's Den shirt, Signature Series) BCA
Stone Cold ("Bionic" vest) TTL
Shawn Michaels (Series 1) BCA
Road Dogg (DX, white attire) BCA
Christian (The Brood attire) BCA
Road Dogg (DX, black attire) BCA
Edge (purple) TTL
Chris Jericho ("Shut the Heck Up!" shirt) TTL
Marc Mero (boxer red attire) BCA
Kevin Nash (NWO)
The Rock
Christian (white and red attire)
18 Row 7:
Ken Shamrock (original, red and yellow) BCA
Phinneas Godwin BCA
Earl Hebner TTL
Jeff Jarrett ("With My Baby Tonight!!" purple, hat, no glasses sorry!) BCA
Viscera BCA
Bob Holly (JOB Squad) BCA
Ahmed Johnson (STOMP) BCA
Justin "The Hawk" Bradshaw (cowbell rope and hat) BCA
Rocky Miavia BCA
Trasher (Headbangers, no skirt) BCA
Henry Godwin BCA
X-Pac (DX) BCA
Dan Sevren BCA
Dr. Death (Destruction Inc. shirt from Undertaker lol dont ask) BCA
Justin Credible TTL
Scott Hall (NWO Red!)
Taka Michinoku BCA
15 Row 8:
Vader BCA
X-Pac (DX, Street attire) BCA
HHH (blue) BCA
HHH (shiny blue!) BCA
Mankind TTL
Kevin Nash (NWO, has no hands.. no idea why!)
Mark Henry (blue) BCA
Brian Christopher (neon green) BCA
Stone Cold BCA
Undertaker BCA
Chyna (original) BCA
Road Dogg (DX) TTL
Billy Kidman (purple) TTL
Matt Hardy (black net shirt)
14 Row 9:
Scotty 2 Hottie (with hat and glasses) TTL
Vader BCA
Al Snow (blue pants, last gimmick, WITH HEAD!) BCA
Mark Henry (Nation of Domination) BCA
Shane McMahon (X-Punk) TTL
Stone Cold (with knee braces) BCA
HHH (1st "english" gimmick) BCA
Road Dogg ("Oh you didn't know?" shirt) BCA
Clarence Mason BCA
Mankind (Guest Referee) BCA
Shawn Michaels (Commissioner/Street attire) BCA
Stone Cold BCA
Road Dogg TTL
Camera Man (RARE!!!! with cameras and hat!) BCA
13 Row 10:
Skull (DOA) BCA
Kurrgan (Oddities w/ shirt) BCA
Steve Blackman BCA
Chyna TTL
Undertaker (no eyeballs, blue tats!) BCA
Stone Cold (Hunting attire and hat) BCA
HHH (shiny green) BCA
Dan Sevren BCA
Macho Man (pictured, but NOT included. sorry! he was wcw. I had him in the wrong set)
Hawk (LOD 2000, shoulder pads, no helmet sorry!) BCA
Kane (original!) BCA
Edge TTL
Christian (Brood) TTL
Kane (enlarged and with removeable mask)
12 Row 11:
The Sultan BCA
Tajiri TTL
Billy Gunn (green) BCA
HHH (1st "english" gimmick) BCA
Skull (DOA, all black) BCA
Chainz (DOA) BCA
Ahmed Johnson (red) BCA
Shane McMahon (suite) BCA
Chris Benoit (red and black) TTL
Test (purple shorts) BCA
Stone Cold BCA
Chyna (enlarged, DX Camo)
14 Row 12:
Droz (no ponytail, its on "Berlyn" lol) BCA
Skull (DOA, why did I have so many!!) BCA
The Rock (Corporation suite) BCA
Shawn Michaels (red and white) BCA
Marc Mero (red "Wildman" gimmick) BCA
Mankind (1st "derranged" gimmick) BCA
Gangrel (with bloody chalice) TTL
Raven (shirt and skirt) TTL
Stone Cold (football jersey, Signature series) BCA
Jerry Lawler (with crown, red attire) BCA
Lita TTL
Test TTL
Savio Vega BCA
Undertaker BCA
13 Row 13:
Blackjack (not Bradshaw, I dont remember this one's name) BCA
Bret Hart BCA
Stone Cold TTL
X-Pax (blue) TTL
Stone Cold (STOMP with beret) BCA
Animal (LOD 2000 with shoulder pads and helmet!) BCA
Val Venis BCA
Animal (shoulder pads, red signature series) BCA
Ken Shamrock (STOMP) BCA
Stone COld (hunting attire again) BCA
The Rock (Corporate wrestling shirt and sweats) BCA
Sunny BCA
X-Pac (solo red attire) BCA
11 Row 14:
Chris Jericho (ugliest figure ever, silver shirt) TTL
The Godfather (vest, cane, no hat though!) BCA
Shawn Michaels (Commissioner brown suite) BCA
D-Lo Brown (blue, after NOD) BCA
Paul Bearer (with Urn!) BCA
Hawk (shoulder pads, red, signature series) BCA
HHH (shiny purple!) BCA
D-Lo Brown (Nation of Domination) BCA
Rocky Miavia (1st "The Rock" figure) BCA
Undertaker (Biker gimmick) TTL
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
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